New to yoga? Interested in some of the basic postures? Here is a list compiled of the most common yoga poses to help you!
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
How to: start in high plank pose. Lift the hips towards the ceiling and press down through the thumb and pointer finger. Aim to push the chest towards the thighs. If the heels do not touch the ground, have a slight bend in the knees.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
How to: start on hands and knees. Gently draw the hips down towards the heels, aiming for the head to rest towards the ground. Take the hands up to rest on the mat in front of you.
Low Lunge (Ashva Sanchalanasana)
How to: start on hands and knees. Take one foot forwards between the hands. Front knee positioned directly over the ankle, allow the hips to sink forwards. Keep chest lifted if hands are on the floor, otherwise, take hands up onto front knee, or raise above the head.
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
How to: start standing. Step one foot back about one leg’s distance from the front foot. Angle the back heel down 45°, hips facing forwards. Bend into the front knee so that it is directly over the ankle whilst keeping the back leg straight. Position the arms on the hips or raise them above the head.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
How to: face the side of the mat and step feet out about 1.5 legs distance from each other. Turn the front foot towards the top of the mat and bend the knee so it is directly over the ankle. Keep the weight evenly distributed on the hips, take the arms up to shoulder height and gaze over the front fingertips.
Cat Cow (Bidalasana)
How to: start on hands and knees. Inhale, arch back so tailbone and head are lifting up towards ceiling. Exhale, curl the spine, tailbone drawing down and chin into chest. Repeat movements with each breath.
Baby Cobra (Bhujangasana)
How to: lay down onto stomach. Place hands underneath the shoulders and using back muscles, lift the upper body. Squeeze through the glutes and press the tops of the feet into the floor. Keep the back of the neck long and breathe.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
How to: standing at the top of the mat, feet hip distance apart. Hands down by the sides, energy through the fingertips.
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
How to: standing at the top of the mat, fold the upper body so it is resting towards the lower body. Knees can be as bent or straight as you would like them to be. Keep the weight even over the feet, relax the head.
Bound Angle (Baddha Konasana)
How to: sitting down, take the soles of the feet together. Hold onto the ankles, lean the body forwards over the feet. Relax through the shoulders and neck. If you are greatly arching through the spine, sit on a pillow or yoga block to give some extra height through the hips.
Please note that when participating in yoga you should listen to your body. Do not stretch further than your limit, or to where it hurts. Take breaths and move slowly to find the postures that feel good for you.
Happy practicing!