How does a Homeopath Help?

A Homeopath’s approach takes into consideration not only the name of the disease but also how the individual is uniquely impacted on a physical, mental and emotional level. the mind/body connection and how symptoms should be treated in their totality as opposed to being seen as separate problems. Homeopathy works on the law of similars, is safe and effective and seeks to remove the underlying cause of a disease. A Homeopath’s treatment is holistic and individualised medicines are selected to help restore health, balance and wellbeing. Homeopathic medicines are made from plant, minerals and other organic substances.

To gain more of an understanding, if we take an example of a name of a disease ‘headache’, the Homeopath considers how a person is uniquely impacted by the headache, how the headache is brought on, the location in the head, physical influences that make it better or worse (pressure/warmth/etc) and types of sensation9throbbing/stabbing/dull ache) or pain, as well as any other symptoms the person maybe experiencing. The Homeopath works to find an appropriate remedy to treat all the symptoms unique to the individual based on their specific type of headache (disease). The Homeopath may have several patients who are treated for headaches but receive different medicines based on their unique and individual symptoms.

The biggest difference between conventional medicine and homeopathy is how the medicine is selected. Conventional medicine often relies on treating the physical symptoms and often involve suppressing the body’s natural reactions. There can also be side effects with conventional medications, especially when long-term medical treatment is used by patients. Paracetamol given for a headache is a painkiller and simply suppresses the feeling of pain. This can be a bad thing. For example, if the headaches are due to dehydration, the patient no longer feels the need to rest and drink water, working up a sweat and dehydrating further.

Naturopaths work to discover the root cause of diseases and eliminate them with detoxification, herbal supplements, and food that balances the body for optimal health. Some also utilise a small range of homeopathic medicines with their limited training.

For your Homeopathic treatment it is important that you choose a Specialist Consultant in Homeopathy with extensive clinical knowledge to get the results for you and your family. Restore your health naturally with Homeopathic Care.

About Anthony

Switched careers into a job I find meaningful every day.

I have been practicing Homeopathy for over 19 years in Australia, Singapore and India. The most satisfying part of being a Homeopathic Consultant is seeing my patients realise the power of natural medicine to regain their health and wellbeing.

I grew up in Adelaide, South Australia. Later, I enrolled in a Commerce degree and began contemplating my next steps in life. I decided that Commerce was taking me further away from my life’s journey and I felt the need to find something more meaningful. After battling migraines in my younger days and receiving Homeopathic treatment myself, I switched careers so that I could help others with Homeopathy.

I obtained an Advanced Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine from the Adelaide Training College of Complementary Medicine in 2004. To gain more clinical experience and expand my knowledge, I chose India with its profound number of Homeopathic hospitals and the recognition of Homeopathy as it’s national system of medicine.

I worked in local and rural clinics for 9 months before joining the Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial Homeopathic Institute, one of the best post graduate Homeopathic hospitals in India. Over the next 3 years I worked in hospitals and private clinics in Mumbai where I saw close to over 50 patients per day with the rarest kinds of ailments, all successfully treated with homoeopathy. After returning to Adelaide and practising Homeopathy for a few years, I completed a 4-year Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) degree in 2011.

Having worked at various medical clinics in Adelaide, Singapore and India over the past 19 years I now call Adelaide home again. My practice has a wide variety of patients from infants to 91 years old.  I have homeopathic first aid kits available for parents who want to naturally treat their children and offer basic nutritional and vitamin supplements for patients to assist with their healthcare needs. I have extensive clinical homeopathic experience helping patients restore their health with homeopathy and offer practical advice and solutions for your health needs.

Phone and video consults are also available.

Written by Anthony Gray

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